Really? That's what this Brooklyn group reckon to the new trend of rappers wearing more 'fitted' clothes. I remember a year or so ago when I worked at the Fitted shop some skinny Somalian teenager asking me why I wore my jeans fitted, when I answered he replied, 'but people might think you're gay'. I asked him if he thought I was gay and he said no but he was concerned what other people might think about my attire. Considerate huh.
The comments under the video are priceless. Here's one classic... ' YALL ALL LOOK LIKE BUMASS NIGGAS ANYWAY SO YA NOT IN A POSITION TO SAY NOTHING...YALL LOOK LIKE YALL STINK...STAND ON A BLOCK SELLING NICKS OF GARBAGE MAKING 100$ aA WEEK...AND THEM HOS IN THE VIDEO AINT YOURS...YALL CHIPPED IN TO PAY THESE BRAWDS..FUCK THE OVERLY TIGHT SHIT,BUT YALL STILL SOME BUMASS STINKING LIKE SHIT ASS NIGGAS HAHA' Whatever the fuck any of that means. However one youtuber had this to say, 'Baggy pants were popularized in prison, worn by prisoners as a signal to show other men that they were ready and willing to engage in anal sex.' There it is...
So it was this time last year, in the unholy year of 2007, that the true meaning of thumbs down became apparent in a place called the Button Factory (not very nekro) in Dublin. The deliverer of such an evangelical revelation was none other than Attila Csihar, Mayhem's enigmatic Hungarian frontman. We all know what thumbs down means as a general, worldwide rule, up for good, down for bad. Atilla somehow managed to redefine thumbs down and give it a completely new meaning. His onstage 'altar' comprised of two pigs heads, two candlesticks and a plug-in globe that he would spin maniacally, stop at a random part of the world and give it the unholy thumbs down. It was at that point that I knew...
If you can't be bothered to watch the below in its entirity go to about 4:50 to witness the most unholy, double-thumbs-down-in-a-candle mankind has ever seen...
Original tour poster
Apparently he was dressing as different people throughout history on the Ordo Ad Chao tour, here's a few of the most thumbs down ones I found here