Monday 17 December 2018

Midnite Madness CXVII—2018, PT. I

2018 was another fantastic year in the history of heavy metal, and this 60-minute, first-part round-up of the year's best pretty much proves this. Of course this is in no way a definitive 2018 list, but it's a good start at one, anyways.
Thanks to all the bands and labels for keeping the metal real, and to you (all 12 of you) for listening in. I will return on January 8th, for more MIDNITE MADNESS.

Friday 16 November 2018

Midnite Madness CXVI—Force of Hades

Shouts to anyone who not only knows the movie where the intro comes from, but mainly who sampled it (clue for those that don't know: it's an Irish band). Answers on a postcard, maniacs!
Back on December 12th for the final show of the year, the customary round-up of the calendar's best releases. Probably loads of "surprises", but definitely no High On Fire, haha.

Thursday 18 October 2018

Midnite Madness CXV—Nocturnal Decay

ALFUCKINRIGHTTT... Show 115, more total Midnite Madness, with many-a-style represented. I must admit, I have been consciously trying to mix it up a bit more these days, and, well, without sounding like a cunt, it's kinda working. Anyways, my show is only as good as the releases that seem to keep coming, and 2018 is no exception. Show 117 promises to be a blast... See you in four weeks, on November 14th, for more Midnite Madness.

Thursday 27 September 2018

Midnite Madness CXIV—Dream of Power

Show 114, now ready for your relistenings. I will be back soon, October 17th, with more metal lunacy. See you then.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Midnite Madness CXIII—Jacob's Ladder

Apologies for the delayed posting of last month's show, totally thought I had already. Anyways, here she is, in all her glory, ready to be devoured by the dwindling horde that lights this otherwise darkened corridor of Blogger. I shall return with more MIDNITE MADNESS on September 19th, 2018, so be ready...

Monday 30 July 2018

Midnite Madness CXII—Armed and Dangerous

Armed and dangerous
With the music that we play
Our guitars have the power
To blow you all away
We don't need any weapons
Just the ones that we supply
We're armed and dangerous
And that you can't deny...

Friday 6 July 2018

Midnite Madness CXI—Demo Entrails VI - 2000AD II (Altar of Death)

Back with another demo show, this time picking up from where I left off at show LVIII, with more 2000s-onwards bands/releases. All from tape this time, giving those MP3s a break. Alas, maniacs, I am back on July 25th for more Midnite fuckin' Madness, so "don't nobody go nowhere"...

Monday 4 June 2018

Midnite Madness CX—Hellfire and Funeral Bells

Definitely forgot to play Mercy on this show, but as the next show will be a tape-only broadcast, it'll have to be another time. Soon!

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Midnite Madness CIX—Lost Chambers of Hell

Show 109. Thank you for listening and see you again on May 30th for more MIDNITE MADNESS.

Friday 27 April 2018

Midnite Madness CVIII—T.I.A.T.T.A.H.

THERE IS A THEORY THAT THIS HAS ALREADY HAPPENED (almost a month ago already, apparently. Apologies for the late posting!)

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Midnite Madness CV—2017, pt. II - Return to the Void

Another year see more of the same lunacy as the past. Yes, we're back, and with, well, the second part of last month's 2017 show. Not lazy, just lots of great stuff to play from last year. Thanks again to all the band and labels (and promo-senders) for keeping the flame lit, let's ensure 2018 is another cracker!
And thanks to Fenriz for pointing out that the Lucifer's Hammer track is a Legend cover...
I return to NTS on February 7th with more MIDNITE MADNESS. Stay alive.