Okay, so I am not gonna lie, there is a never-ending hankering to fuel my obsession for time-traveling movies. I guess it is partly due to my belief that Back To The Future is the greatest movie ever (well, it is, isn't it?), and as a result I have had to sit thru some shockers over the years, but weirdly, I always enjoy anything pertaining to time dilation and rejecting the laws of physics.
As always, the way in which the time traveling is executed differs somewhat. In this one he only goes back like an hour or so. But even in this short space of time, the continuum is majorly disrupted. Hence its English title and transaltion, Timecrimes. Anyways, that's enough, I don't want to spoil it as it is an excellent movie - a rarity in this day and age. I only managed to find it dubbed (annoyingly), link to eight Rapidshare files below...
spanish original with english subtitles
got me interested, thanks for the hint
very good movie, thanks !
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