Here's the tracklist from last nite's virgin show on NTS. Thanks again to Ed for having me and to you if you listened in.
Back on February 27th, same time—9-11pm GMT—and 'til then, you can listen to the first one, here. The end of the show before opens this stream, so forward to 5:16 to hear where I come in.
Spirits Of Evil seems to be the song that everyone singles out when the name Vulcano pops up.
That's a pretty sweet line-up you've got there, especially having Teitanblood, Sextrash, Vulcano and Death Strike together at the end, that would make quite the split if it ever happened. Coincidentally Sextrash actually made it onto a mix I did recently but not that song (Seduced By Evil is what made it in).
That was great, the Riistetyt track ripped my head off! Bit hard to hear your links in certain places though
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