Okay. So it seems that there are still some people in this world that haven't seen the
Back to the Future trilogy. I have no idea what goes on in people's minds that haven't seen the wonders of the Flux Capacitor in all its glory. The first installment is maybe the greatest movie ever, part two is equally as good and features THE FUTURE, whilst three well, I remember seeing it in the cinema as a lad and it had always been a slight disappointment. But still, if you've been following my blog you'll know
I LOVE Back to the Future, and if
Zak Efron thinks he is getting a hold of the franchise to ruin it like Spielberg allowed with that stupid Indy flick and the sub-par Star Wars flicks then unfortunately, I will declare war. You have been warned Dry School Musical fag...
Back to the Future (1985) Robert Zemeckis (USA)

Back to the Future Pt.II (1989) Robert Zemeckis (USA)

Back to the Future Pt.III (1990) Robert Zemeckis (USA)

All files are just under 400MB
1 comment:
Part III is actually better than II, if you get rid of the gimmicks of the future, it's pretty average, the story is a mess and the future stuff only lasts less than a third of the whole film, people seem to forget that. Part I pisses over both though.
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