Thursday 3 October 2013

Maniac Monday XLI - Live Evil Special

Okay. I know it is almost Maniac Monday time again and I am only posting the last show here, but this is down to it being removed from Soundcloud the instant it was uploaded by NTS. Now, they have decided to switch their player over to Mixcloud, so it should be up at some point, However, there is some bad news about the switch—there will be no more download options.
In the past where this has happened I have just uploaded the show myself to mediafire, but a few of them got taken down recently and I have now received two warnings, which I assume are my last. I don't want them to close my account as I have a lot of mixes etc there so I am going to try to put them all somewhere else so the magick isn't lost, so bear with me while I get that working.
I am not sure this link will last but it is here for the quick, nevertheless.
ANYWAYS, the last show was indeed a Live Evil special, the first hour of which runs pretty much like the Live Evil Mix 2013, albeit featuring a different Satan track and a slightly altered tracklist. Hour two features bands who slayed the two previous festivals in 2010 and 2011 respectively. There is also a new track from the blistering new Obliteration album, Black Death Horizon, which releases next month. There is also a track that was recorded from Live Evil 2010 by Natur, which has never been heard before. Well, unless you were there then, that is.
Monday sees the return of Maniac Monday on NTS, 9-11BST, where I will be playing some more of that real metal you tune in to hear. 'til then, DIE YOUNG.

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