Wednesday 6 November 2013

Maniac Monday XLIV - Fight Back IV—Streets of Metal

Another Maniac Monday sees me revive the ghost of the Fight Back series, this time honouring the metalpunk and crossover side of punk and metal. Well, there's also some speed metal, but you follow.
Hour one consists of post-2000 releases, with hour two being handled by the past masters. I had a blast playing this one, so hope you enjoy it also.
Next Maniac Monday will air on November 18th, 9-11PM GMT. I haven't really thought about it too much now, but it may be a thrash show. Or maybe a one band-only show? Hmmm. Time shall tell.


Sid Sings (1979) said...

Totally do a Mercyful Fate and King Diamond show with some Portrait and Attic on the end.


Hmmm I think at present I have played enough/too much MF/KD over the past 44 shows. Just not that big a fan, y'know. And ditto for ATTIC, who I gotta say I don't get at all. Maybe I haven't OD'd on MF/KD enough to need ATTIC in my world yet. And PORTRAIT? I saw them in Sweden at ANTICHRIST's album launch and didn't like them at all, in fact, so won't be anything coming from them any time soon either, although I think they are marginally better than KING ATTIC'S FATE, hehe. You could always make a little mix and send to afistinthefaceogodATgmailDOTcom and we'll see what happens...

Sid Sings (1979) said...

I should probably pay more attention. You've probably done lots of Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath so they're out too. How many Manilla Road albums do you have, you wouldn't have a problem filling up a show with a song from each. That is, if you own 'em all.


Yeah, already did a SABBATH show, but not a MAIDEN one or a MOTORHEAD one even. That might be a cool split show, but a but obvious/easy. Tbh, I'm still smarting as I forgot to play BIRTH RITUAL on Fight BAck IV haha

Sid Sings (1979) said...

Motorhead, Girlschool, Tank and Warfare. Maybe Plasmatics too?

Jonny_Swe said...

Ideas for show themes:

* Female singers
* Sweden vs Norway
* The all IRISH show!
* Rare songs from compilations, 7", flex discs etc
* Japan!!
* Songs from movies, soundtrack etc

Anonymous said...

A "live albums" show!


These are all great suggestions, although I have explored them all pretty much, bar a live show which will NEVER HAPPEN as I cannot listen to live shows or even watch old live shows, for that matter. No interest whatsoever, sorry.

All-Irish show would rule, but I doubt anyone would want to hear me play a two-hour THIN LIZZY show haha

Thrash attack tonite, so have that for now!