Thursday, 18 September 2014

A Fist in the Face of God presents... O.O.O.O.O. - A Mix by DJ Fenriz

It's been almost three years since Fenriz—Gylve Nagell to the gods—sent me his last offering, the arrestingly cavernous "Slow Black Death", which he compiled for his 40th birthday.
A few months back, he told me he'd begun working on something "evil" for me, but it wasn't until I saw two recent mixes with his lovely wife Marte (one was for Lodown, and the other seems to have somehow vamoosed already), that I thought, 'Hey, how 'bout my mix, man?' To which he replied: "Keep pestering me for it." Which I did. Maybe two emails later he sent me this opus in the darkest arts of death and black metal, imaginatively entitled "Out of Our Own Orientation" – morbid visions, indeed. In his own words:
Obviously I went for the jugular immediately here and ferociously mixed a heap of evil ripping tracks together, then a little detour to Trondheim's bleaker side with the Black Majesty track before I head on off again. But then... there's the Goatwhore obscure intro thing, and suddenly I'm on a different vibe altogether with three majestic AND intricate longer songs at the end. The transmission concerning Quorthon's horses on top of the Bölzer outro came to me when I listened to the Bölzer track at work. Now let me rest.
- f e n r i z

1. Occult Burial (Canada) - “Occult Burial” [2013]
2. Abyssous (Germany) - “Burial Sea” [2012]
3. Protector (Germany) - “Apocalyptic Revolution” [1986]
4. Alchemyst (Germany) - “Kharon” [2013]
5. Quintessenz (Germany) - “Back to the Cult of the Tyrants” [2013]
6. Ruins (Germany) - “Chambers of Perversion” [2010]
7. Abysmal Lord (USA) - “Revelation” [2014]
8. Black Majesty (Norway) - “Thus Singeth the Sword of Curse, Key of Truth” [2009]
9. Sabbat (Japan) - “Witch Hammers” [2011]
10. Deathstorm (Austria) - “Awakening of the Dead” [2013]
11. Törr (Czech Republic) - “Exorcist” [1987]
12. Goatvomit (Greece) - Just some awesome intro they have on tape
13. Funereal Presence (USA) - “The Tower” [2014]
14. Bölzer (Switzerland) - “Labyrinthian Graves” [2014]
15. Bathory (Sweden) - The first 10+ bit minutes of the Blood Fire Death LP, you maniacs [1988]


Unknown said...

Could you please link the download?

Vomitingfire said...

Second that, could you? i have problems with the download option in Soundcloud. Thanks.

Bernie said...

Can't download the awesome mix. Can you upload it somewhere else. Thanks. Cheers man