Monday 26 October 2015


ALRIGHT. Seeing as how you all lapped up that last dose of punk with zeal, here's another. Not quite as caustic as last week's demo, but every bit as ripping. And yes, the cover does kinda suck, but you know what they say about cover-judging...

AVFALL (Norway) - Das System [2011]
1. Norsk Moral
2. Avfall
3. Systemslave
4. Mein Klassenkampf
5. Dødsprofitt
I am hoping to some degree this post will become "interactive". By this, I mean that most of my files are rips from the internet and some, as killer as the music is, are not very good/high quality recordings. Also, sometimes the artwork is incomplete or low-res. So, what I am asking here is for people to help improve these demos. If you have a better recording, higher-res artwork, info regarding the demo, etc, PLEASE either mail it direct to me here or simply add a link in the comment section. Go on.

DISCLAIMER: If you own the recording and want it removed, please do not be an internet snitch and make a DMCA claim, just email me or leave a comment and I will remove it. Thanks.

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